quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2011

Simpósio Satélite da K-Taping no XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Fisioterapia

Dia 11 de Outubro

Horário: 12:20 às 14 horas

Sala Sambaqui 5

Centro Sul

Florianópolis - SC

Palestrantes: Roger Ehrenreich e Anne-Martina Peschen.

A Anne Martina já morou no Brasil, o Simpósio será em português, não havendo necessidade de tradução simultânea.

Name: Anne-Martina Peschen
Place of Birth:
Moenchengladbach, Germany
Citizenship: Dutch, resident of

Education and workexperience:

Ms Peschen is a licensed physiotherapist (International Academy of Physiotherapy The Netherlands) and K-Taping Therapist with an extensive educational background in sportstherapy , rehab training and management.

As a lecturer she has been teaching numerous specialized courses and subjects related to Medical Training at accredited Educational Institutes for Physiotherapists and Sportstherapists and organizations, such as anatomy, physiology sport sciences, sportherapy, orthopaedic diseases and rehab after trauma, training for patients with oncology, astma/COPD and other health related problems.

Ms Peschen is also a licensed Medical Fitness and Rehab Trainer, sportstrainer, sportsmassage therapist with additional education in muscle-sceletal ultrasound diagnostics and core stability training for low back pain and athletic performance, (lecturer prof. Julie Hides,) Back Fit Rehab Trainer post-bachelor (lecturers A. Vleeming/A.L.A. Warmerdam), Myofascial Therapy, and followed several certified and accredited courses with the Institute of Applied Neurosciences (B. Cranenburgh, Haarlem Neurophysiology and Neuroanatomy, Neuropsychological diagnostics, Spasticity

In addition to her work as an international lecturer for K-Taping she is the owner of a physiotherapy practice in Amsterdamwhere K-Taping forms a succesful part of the patient’s treatment.